Supporting logistics in the waste management industry with fill measurement and IoT platform

Optimize Collection Planning with Data Analytics

Advanced fill sensors provide key metrics for accurate collection planning. Our platform offers support in analyzing this data, enabling effective planning of collection routes. Minimizing empty trips and optimizing exports become a reality.

Maintain infrastructure through tilt and roll recognition

Our platform provides support for infrastructure maintenance through its ability to recognize overturns and changes in container locations. With this data, you can respond immediately to potential problems and minimize the impact of damage. This is critical to maintaining process efficiency over the long term.

Czujnik zapełnienia - funkcja rozpoznawania przewrócenia pojemnika
Czujnik zapełnienia - funkcja rozpoznawania przewrócenia pojemnika

Collection planning based on historical data of filling measurements

Historical data of bin fill-ups and in given regions become a valuable source of information for planning future processes. Our platform makes it possible to use this data to optimize planning, minimize costs and increase the efficiency of the entire waste management process.

Platforma IoT - pomiar zapełnienia - planowanie wywozów
Platforma IoT - pomiar zapełnienia - planowanie wywozów

Learn more about our IoT platform for waste management industry

Leverage an advanced IoT platform to get logistics support for waste management economics. Optimize export scheduling, keep your infrastructure in excellent condition and plan processes based on valuable historical data.

Czujnik zapełnienia - kontakt z firmą ICOBER
Czujnik zapełnienia - kontakt z firmą ICOBER